EMF exposure has become a topic of concern for many people and is an active area of biophysical research. Scientific studies in recent years have shown an apparent correlation between exposures to elevated magnetic field levels and the risk of adverse health effects.
The same is true for radio frequency radiation from broadcast and cell phone towers. Significant controversy now exists over the degree of risk posed by this exposure, and the exact mechanisms of interaction by which electromagnetic fields may influence biological processes. Our services address this environmental health concern by providing measurement surveys, field reduction modalities.
Radio frequency and cell site surveys involve the use of isotropic broadband survey instruments, in compliance with established measurement protocols. This is supplemented with high sensitivity, directional equipment for source identification and extremely low level readings. Each EMF survey includes a full identification of the source or sources of elevated magnetic fields, radio frequency field.
EMF Services provides electromagnetic field testing and remediation to clients, specializing in assessment of human exposure to non-ionizing radiation. The fully documented reports that we furnish our clients are an important part of each survey, and provide a point of reference for understanding the significance of measurement data. Each report references applicable exposure standards and equipment interference thresholds. The ultimate goal of our surveys is to place you in a position to make a responsible and informed decision about the area under evaluation, and to understand the options available for field remediation.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Telecommunication (Dot) regulate the RF radiation exposure to occupational and the general public. This is especially important near cell towers and at building rooftops where building management and trades have work areas near cell antennas. If certain power levels are present, prepare a site-specific RF management plan for the building with general RF safety solutions.
Data collected includes the site dimensions & photos, locations & identifications of all transmit antennas and EME measurements throughout the site. This data is used to create a site EME profile using our RF exposure modeling software. In addition, our technicians verify that the proper safety regulations are in place at the site such as, access to the site (restricted or open), appropriate safety Signage and availability of a site safety plan detailing hazardous regions. The RF emissions study provides the following benefits:
An analysis can be conducted with no actual site visit on a tower or similar stand-alone structure by calculating the theoretical ground exposure (maximum permissible exposure - MPE) at the base of the tower assuming the "worst case" effective radiated power (ERIP). We will provide a Tower Emissions Certification Letter that acknowledges the calculated results, demonstrates site compliance and provides standard site safety recommendations. This letter of certification then provides an independent analysis of the RF environment and can be used to demonstrate compliance with FCC regulations in the event of an audit or local zoning issue.
To get optimal wireless coverage and performance, we need to understand the Radio Frequency (RF) behavior of our wireless network deployment site. A wireless site survey will provide this information by revealing places of signal interferences, places where signals are weaker and areas of no signals (dead zones). A wireless survey also helps to avoid interference due to existing radio sources and interferences cause by physical structures such columns, beams, walls, and metal objects. In fact anything can affect the radio signal profile of a site including furniture and people. It is important to remember that the objective of a wireless site survey is to determine the feasibility of deploying a wireless network to meet your needs and to determine how to deploy a wireless network within the constraints of your site.
Carried out LOS survey to have MW connectivity between the two sites to ascertain the Line of Site clearance.
MW survey is carried out to have MW connectivity between the two sites to ascertain the Line of Sight clearance. The MW LOS Survey is carried out physically checking the terrain between the hop and selecting the sites for an acquisition. The survey is critical in nature because many factors depend on it such as height of the tower, the degree coverage required with the proposed equipments.
This EMF some range is very harmful for our human body. For controlling this emf TRAI (Telecom regularity Authority of India) have some documented set of rules on the basis of companies which have to installed the mobile tower, and the transmission from the mobile tower should have a particular range of EIRP.
EIRP (Effective Isotropic radiated power) check is Government responsibility, For this government asked from Telecom Operators to provide the EMF survey report to the TRAI. This survey Perform by the Telecom Operator to provide emf report to TRAI.
We have provided cost-effective solution based engineers for emf survey. Our services offering all telecom operators to emf testing, EMF consulting services, and all type of EMF Inspection. Testing services are provided Pan india.
Broadband measurements are captured using a broadband probe which senses signals across a wide range of frequencies and are recorded with three independent diode detectors;.
Frequency selective measurements are captured with the help of field antenna and a frequency selective receiver or spectrum analyzer. It gives the option to monitor the desired frequency range.